3rd edition

Summer school in Münsterland, Germany

 The registration is closed.

Applicants will be informed until June 15 if they got accepted.   

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Uncharted Territories. Crossing Thresholds. 

Anticipate an enriching experience at this Summer School, blending high academic standards with experimental teaching methods. The program, developed at FH Münster University of Applied Sciences, spans two weeks and offers hands-on workshops, lectures, demonstrations, and excursions facilitated by an international academic team. Set in various locations in Münsterland, Germany,
the interdisciplinary course delves into design, technology, and innovation. Participants will gain practical skills, deep insights, and an understanding of the interconnected relationships between these fields. The curriculum explores current trends, future trajectories, societal challenges, and sustainable development, preparing students for a technology-driven future as change-makers.

Check out the above YouTube video to get an impression on earlier episodes of the DTI summer-school.

The Summer School at the University of Applied Sciences Münster is dedicated to providing an enriching, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We believe that by embracing diversity, we create a stronger and more compassionate community, fostering learning, personal growth, and global collaboration. Join us on this exciting journey of discovery and exploration, where everyone is valued, respected, and cherished.

Integrated into the DTI’24 summer school is CampX, a three-day sustainability camp occurring from August 23 to 25, 2024.
Explore the video above, or watch it on YouTube, or download this PDF (14.4 MB) for more details.

What to expect during DTI’24?

The following content is covered in the DTI’24 course:

Out-of the class-room experience!

The DTI’24 summer school takes place at multiple locations, and with the support of various companies based in the beautiful Münsterland. An intensive and enriching knowledge transfer with agricultural and craft businesses will take place, such as the exchange, for example, with an innovative software and AI-robotics company, or a social water filter start-up. A workshop in the Makerspace on the Steinfurt campus is also planned. See the below overview to encounter all planned activities.

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Please note that the schedule provided for the course is tentative and subject to change. This is to allow for adjustments based on the needs of the participants, availability of resources, or unforeseen circumstances. We advise all participants to check for updates regularly and appreciate your understanding and flexibility in this regard.

Münsterland – the location

Design, Technology and Innovation…

We strongly believe that Design, Technology, and Innovation stand as catalysts for a positive future, harmonizing to propel sustainable practices, inspiring creative solutions, and spearheading advancements in tools and methodologies. In doing so, they pave the way for a brighter, interconnected, and more optimistic global society.

It's not just about creating new ideas, but also about effectively implementing these ideas to create new technologies, applications, and markets. Students will explore different types of innovation, from incremental improvements that enhance existing technologies to disruptive innovations that can redefine an entire industry.

The DTI’24 Summer School fosters a multifaceted understanding of the interconnected disciplines of design, technology and innovation, laying a robust foundation for those aspiring to excel in an increasingly interconnected and technology-centric world. This comprehensive approach ensures that students are well-prepared to navigate and contribute to their evolving landscapes. The course also touches the field of 'Entrepreneurial Education' and will give the students an overview of various innovative fields of work and a wide range of opportunities in rural areas, thereby contributing to the long-term preservation of the economic structure of the Münsterland.

 Design   is presented as a crucial element that bridges the gap between technology and human interaction. The course offers students a comprehensive understanding of several design principles, their current applications, and future trends. Students will study how design has evolved alongside technology, incorporating Dieter Rams' principles for good design. They will learn how to create products that are innovative, useful, aestheticly pleasant, understandable, unobtrusive, honest,
long-lasting, thorough down to the last detail, environmentally friendly, and involve as little design
as possible. The course will explore how these principles can be applied to create sustainable products or services that serve their intended purpose and enhance user experience.

Keywords: Rules for good design, Materials, design-tools, User Experience, CAD (3D scanning, 3d-modelling, CNC milling), CAM (3D-printing), Rapid Prototyping, Cradle to Cradle, plastic recycling, etc. …

  Past, present, and future technologies   form the cornerstone of this course, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of their evolution and practical applications. The course takes students on a journey through the history of technology, highlighting key inventions and break-throughs that have defined different eras. It then brings students into the present, exploring the workings of current technologies, their societal impact, and their role across various industries.
As the course looks towards the future, it introduces students to emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, discussing their potential applications and implications.

Keywords: Transformative Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, introduction to Electronics Robotics and Automation (Arduino), introduction to programming (P5.JS), Internet of Things, …

  Innovation    is a key focus of the course, guiding students through the stages of idea generation, prototyping, testing, and implementation. It's not just about creating new ideas, but also about effectively implementing these ideas to create new technologies, applications, and markets.
Students will explore different types of innovation, from incremental improvements that enhance existing technologies to disruptive innovations that can redefine an entire industry.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Design Thinking, Innovative Processes, Product Development, Sustainable Innovation, Digital Transformation, Rural Innovation, Interdisciplinary Innovation, Technological Advancement, Start-Up Ecosystem, …

How will this course be credited?

Upon successful completion, the participating students will be awarded a certificate indicating that the course corresponds to either 3 or 4.5 ECTS credits.

  3 ECTS   corresponding certificates will be awarded to students that will have
    a. Successfully participated in the Summer course.
    b. Presented their group-project during the presentation session on the last day.
    c. Demonstrated their developed artefact or prototype during the presentation session.

  4.5 ECTS   corresponding certificates will be awarded to students that will have
    a. Successfully participated in the Summer course.
    b. Presented their group-project during the presentation session on the last day.
    c. Demonstrated their developed artefact or prototype during the presentation session.
    d. Written a report on the relating specific topic incl. summary of identified problem, background
         research,  developed concept, (5-10 pages, deadline t.b.a).

The certificate can be used by the student to obtain the applicable credits through the individual students’ home university – in most cases this can be done through the University’s
International Office or Examination Office. It is recommended that students reach out to their institution in beforehand to ensure that the course will be credited towards the student’s curriculum.

For participating students enrolled at FH Münster University of Applied Sciences, the DTI Summerschool is credited as equivalent to the following courses:

For students studying at Münster School of Business: Specialization Modules International Marketing and Strategic Marketing. Project International Marketing (MSB.1.0167.0.V.4), Project Strategic Marketing (MSB. 1.0368.0.V.2b),
For students studying at Münster School of Design: Technik 3 (if they have successfuly participated  in Technik 1 and Technik 2).

Feel free to reach out to the team if there are any open questions: dti-summerschool@fh-muenster.de

Relating Fees, Costs, support for Travel & VISA

As the organisers secured a general funding for the 2024 summer school, there are no participation fees. However, participants must arrange their own travel and accommodation. The organisers will give support by sending out a list of youth hostels, cheap hotels, etc., in May 2024 via e-mail.

During the DTI ’24 Summerschool there will be occuring costs for transportation, entrance tickets for exhibitions, etc., specific workshop materials, food and drinks, etc. Examples of costs are Deutschland Ticket (€49), Picnic at Burg Hülshoff (€15), monthly subscription to bike sharing (€15). It is anticipated that those general costs will not be more than approx. 250 EUR for the two weeks of the course. Please note that participants will have to pay 20 EUR to take part in CampX (to cover general costs at the campsite) and should bring their own sleeping bags and carrimats.

Please note that this course is also an experiment to try out several ways of cooperation and collaboration. International students and staff coming from institutions that are member of the Up University network   might be able to eventually apply for some funding for travel and accommodation support for example through the Erasmus+ program. In this case please kindly ask at your home institution’s International Office about potential support options.

In case international students need a letter of invitation for their individual VISA application, please reach out to Prof. Felix Beck.

Unity in Diversity: Building an Exceptional Learning Experience at FH Münster

We would like to express that we are looking forward to create an outstanding learning experience at FH Münster University of Applied Sciences. At the Summer School, we strongly believe in fostering an inclusive and diverse learning environment. Our commitment extends to providing equal opportunities and support for all participants to thrive academically and socially. We aim to create a safe space where individuals can freely express their ideas and engage in open discussions, respecting different perspectives and backgrounds.

Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to be accessible and engaging for all students, regardless of their previous knowledge or experience. We encourage collaboration and teamwork, promoting the exchange of ideas and knowledge between participants. Moreover, we actively seek to break down any potential language barriers by offering multilingual support and resources.

We celebrate the uniqueness of each participant, as we firmly believe that diversity enriches the learning experience. Embracing different cultural perspectives allows us to develop a more profound understanding of various global challenges and provides us with innovative solutions to tackle them collectively.

To ensure an inclusive experience, we continuously seek feedback from our participants and strive to implement necessary improvements. We welcome suggestions for better accommodation, accessibility, and any other aspect that could enhance the overall experience of our diverse community.

Fostering Success through Collaboration

The success and enrichment of the DTI'24 Summer School is greatly attributed to our partners institutions and supporters. The partners include established companies, innovative startups, and local businesses in the Münsterland region, all contributing their expertise and resources to provide a diverse learning experience. Potential sponsors play an equally crucial role. Their financial and material support allows us to enhance the course content, provide state-of-the-art technology for hands-on experience, and secure the best possible locations for our roving course. We are always open to further partnerships and sponsorships, fostering a collaborative and symbiotic relationship for the promotion of education in design, technology, and innovation in the Münsterland region.

Academic network

Supporting Network and partnering companies

The course is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Digitale Hochschule NRW initiative, and received a funding of 50.000,00 Euro in 2022 by the Wandelwerk Center for Quality Assurance and Enhancement (Münster University of Applied Sciences). The application for funding was submitted by Prof. Felix Beck (MSD Münster School of Design) in January 2022, and received the approval by the Wandelwerk in May 2022.

Our team of organisers (random order):

Aiko Hagino – Student Assistant
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences
MSD Münster School of Design

Envelope   aiko.hagino@fh-muenster.de

Agata Trojanowska – Student Assistant
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences
MSD Münster School of Design

Envelope   agata.trojanowska@fh-muenster.de

Katrin Uude M.A.
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences
MSB Münster School of Business

Envelope   katrin.uude@fh-muenster.de

Prof. Felix Hardmood Beck
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences

Envelope   felix.beck@fh-muenster.de

Our amazing course partners (random order):

Prof. Dr. phil. Lars Grabbe
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences
MSD Münster School of Design

Envelope   l.grabbe@fh-muenster.de

Prof. Zlatan Filipovic
American University of Sharjah

Envelope   zfilipovic@aus.edu

Adriaan Bernstein
Delft Technical University

Envelope    info@bernstein.design

Dipl.-Ing. Sascha Wagner
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences
MakerSpace Campus Steinfurt

Envelope   wagner.sascha@fh-muenster.de

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Bodenburg
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik

Gaurav Mehta
Dharma Life (CEO)

Envelope   gaurav.mehta@dharmalife.in

Prof. Dr. Patrick Stalljohann
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences
Lab for Softwarearchitecture

Envelope    patrick.stalljohann@fh-muenster.de

Rodja Trappe
Zauberzeug GmbH (CEO)

Envelope   rodja@zauberzeug.com

Dipl.-Ing. Lasse Trappe
What a Bird (CTO)

Envelope   info@what-a-bird.com

Árni Rúnar Hrólfsson
AR/VR Productions Iceland

Envelope   arni@arfilm.is

… and more to join!

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